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Publikation "The accuracy of dynamic computer assisted implant surgery in fully edentulous jaws: A retrospective case series"

mit PD Dr. med. dent. Sven Mühlemann

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Publikation "Clinical performance of monolithic zirconia crowns on titanium-zirconium reduced-diameter implants in the molar area: Interim data at three years of a randomized controlled trial"

mit PD Dr. med. dent. Sven Mühlemann

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Publikation "A double-blind randomized within-subject study to evaluate clinical applicability of four digital workflows for the fabrication of posterior single implant crown"

mit PD Dr. med. dent. Sven Mühlemann

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Publikation "Time efficiency and efficacy of a centralized computer-aided-design/computer-aided-manufacturing workflow for implant crown fabrication: A prospective controlled clinical study"

mit PD Dr. med. dent. Sven Mühlemann

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Publikation "Evaluation of Oral Health Related Quality of Life and patient satisfaction in three implant retained mandibular over dentures: A randomized cross-over clinical trial"

mit PD Dr. med. dent. Sven Mühlemann

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Publikation "Pontic site development for fixed dental prostheses with and without soft tissue grafting: 1-year results of a cohort study"

mit PD Dr. med. dent. Sven Mühlemann

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Publikation "Mechanical stability of fully personalized, abutment-free zirconia implant crowns on a novel implant-crown interface"

mit PD Dr. med. dent. Sven Mühlemann

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